Înregistrare manuscrise

Autentificare sau Înregistrare pentru a depune un manuscris.

Lista de verificare a pregătirii depunerii manuscrisului

Ca parte a procesului de depunere de manuscrise, autorii sunt obligați să verifice respectarea regulilor de înregistrare manuscrise, ținând cont de elementele următoare, în caz contrar trimiterile putând fi returnate autorilor care nu respectă aceste reguli.
  • Prezentul manuscris nu a fost publicat anterior, nici nu este trimis altei reviste spre examinare (sau o altă explicație a fost furnizată în Comentarii pentru editor).
  • Manuscrisul este fișier document în format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, sau RTF.
  • Acolo unde a fost posibil, au fost furnizate adrese URL pentru referințe.
  • Textul este spațiat la un rând; folosește un font de 12 puncte;folosește font cursiv pentru sublinieri (sublinierile sunt acceptate doar pentru adresele URL); graficele, figurile și tabelele sunt amplasate în text, în mod exceptional sunt plasate la finalul lucrării.
  • Textul respectă cerințele stilistice și bibliografice prezentate în Ghidul autorului.
    *** jurnalul nostru prefera citarea in format Vancouver pentru materialele colectate
  • Website-ul nostru este optimizat pentru Edge Browser (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge). Va sfatuim sa realizati incarcarea articolelor folosind acest browser.

Ghid pentru autori

You can use the Offline submission form to send your data via e-mail - click here.

Check this how-to guide on online submissions - click here

Hemostasis Thrombosis and Anemic Syndromes Journal publishes:
The submissions to our journal Hemostasis Thrombosis and Anemic Syndromes include:
 Original articles (results of original research)
 Therapeutic challenges
 Case reports
 Points of view (regarding medical, ethics or medical politics issues)

Please ensure that anything you submit to our journal conforms to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals (https://www.icmje.org/).
The manuscripts sent for publishing must meet the following criteria:
 The first page shall include the title, authors’ surname and name, their affiliation, name of the
corresponding author and correspondence address;
 The text will be written in English language/ a Romanian version can pe provided in addition to it;
 A summary in both Romanian and English language that shall not exceed words limit;
 Maximum keywords related to the content shall be mentioned at the end of each summary.
 For original research articles, the manuscript’s text shall generally follow the following scheme:
introduction, study’s objectives, material and method, results, discussions, conclusions. For case
reports, the manuscript’s text shall generally follow the following scheme: introduction, case report, discussions, conclusions.
 The images shall be transmitted separately in .jpg format. Also, both figures and tables shall be
presented within the text, accompanied by title and legend.
 The bibliography shall be arranged at the end of the text, numbered as the references appear in the text.
The following shall be mentioned in the bibliography: authors, the complete title, the magazine, the year of publication, the volume and the pages. In case of books (chapters), the following must be mentioned: the authors, the title, the publishing house, the year of publication and the pages. We encourage everyone to use a research information management system (RIMS software) such as Zotero, Endnote, Mendeley etc. and to adhere to the Vancouver citation style, in order to keep the uniformity of the citation across the whole publication.
The authors must ensure:
 That the content submitted is original and does respect the good publishing etiquette (any piracy complaint shall be addressed to the authors and does not imply the editor’s responsibility).
 The transmitted materials have not been published or sent for publishing in other magazines or
 Publication of any personal information about a patient in a case report will require the signed consent of the patient.
 A declaration of interests for all authors must be provided before an article can be reviewed and
accepted for publication.
The authors can use parts of their own articles which are submitted tot the journal Hemostasis Thrombosis and Anemic Syndromes (including tables and figures) in other works, or as teaching aids, provided that the publishing house is mentioned.


Section default policy

Literature Reviews

This section includes all the article under the Literature review category. 

Systematic review

This section will list all the systematic reviews published on the website. 

Case report

This section will include case reports. 

Declarație de confidențialitate

Numele și adresa de e-mail introduse pe acest site vor fi utilizate exclusiv în scopurile declarate ale acestui jurnal și nu vor fi puse la dispoziție pentru niciun alt scop unei alte părți.